Auteur: L.A.B.

Een Moord Kost Meer Levens

In 2023 was ik de productieleider van de nieuwe Videoland serie ‘Een Moord Kost Meer Levens’, een boekverfilming van het gelijknamige boek dat is geschreven door Peter R. de Vries. Behind the scenes:Het was geweldig om samen te werken met de getalenteerde cast&crew. In totaal was ik 10 maanden lang bezig met het produceren van…
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Hi toffe lezer! Afgelopen week werd ik geïnterviewd door CineSud over mijn laatste korte film ALEX en mijn blik op de Nederlandse filmwereld. Het was een ontzettend leuk interview en ik ben blij met het resultaat. Dankjewel CineSud voor de goede vragen en de leuke samenwerking. Check het gesprek hier: INTERVIEW


Learn how to make underwater images – film and photography!


U SESSIONS invites artists to make music at unique locations in Utrecht. The goal is to give everyone a spotlight in times of the coronavirus. On the one hand, U SESSIONS shows the amazing locations Utrecht has to offer and on the other hand, U SESSIONS gives the opportunity for creatives to create music videos. I was asked to…
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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! Dear readers, During the last month of 2019, I filmed a new short film named ‘Retina’. As the executive producer of this film, I have to mention that it took a year to produce this movie. We are talking about 12 different locations, 28+ crew members, 2 cast members, 5 extra’s,…
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The ‘Empty Nest’ Production

In between freelance jobs, I regularly look at film vacancies to see if new filmmakers are making short films. Well, one month ago, I saw an article about a young group of filmmakers, five women, who wanted to make a short film for their film minor in The Netherlands. I send them an email and…
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48 Hour Film Project Utrecht

Last weekend, me and a couple of new colleagues participated in the 48 Hour Film project Contest, Utrecht. Before that weekend, I only knew one person of the team which made the entire experience, besides the huge deadline, a big adventure.  During this project, I was assigned to be the production designer and the editor…
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Olympe de Gouges

During the French Revolution, there was one lady who took control of all the fighting and all the chaos in the world. She was a woman who fought for the rights of woman, to be equal to men. She wanted peace and she wanted justice. Olympe has been an example for a lot of other women who…
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